You may have heard that Kybella® is a great way to get rid of a double chin without going through surgery. While a lot of people out there may want to say goodbye to their double chin, they do not necessarily want to undergo surgery. This is a product that has been approved by the […]
Am I a Candidate for Kybella?
Medically known as submental fat, the condition commonly called a “double chin” can be extremely frustrating for many people. This area is notoriously unresponsive to changes in diet and exercise. Fortunately, stubborn pockets of fat like the double chin can be effectively treated using an injection treatment called Kybella®. What is Kybella®? Kybella® is a […]
Subtracting a Chin with KYBELLA
You may be a perfectly fit person and still have a double chin. Genetics, perhaps, was unkind to you in this aspect. No matter what you seem to do, there is always a bit of added volume resting just under your chin. For some, it’s simply the fact that they lost a lot of weight […]