- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Motor Vehicle Injury
- Sports Injury
- Degeneration
- Weekend Warrior Injury
- Frequency Specific Microcurrent
- Platelet Rich Plasma Injection
- Light and Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies (LED & PEMF)
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
You DO NOT need to live in pain! Dr. Morse is trained in multiple therapies that facilitates your own body to heal and get out of pain. Taking a very comprehensive approach to the reasons for pain in the body through hormone assessment, nutrient status, body toxicity, etc Dr Morse and his team of licensed therapists provide very effective treatments for getting out of pain. Please call our office today to learn how we can help you: 541-636-3100. Please read below on Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), and LED! *Results may vary
Having pain doesn’t mean you need a vicodin, ibuprofen, antidepressant or any drug for that matter. The war on pain in America is about prescribing highly addictive pharmaceuticals that ultimately make you worse. Or worse, being talked into having surgery on a joint that you don’t need. Please read about the following treatments below to educate yourself on very effective methods of pain relief and healing.
Platelet Rich Plasma Injections
This is a therapy that involves drawing your blood, spinning it down and then injecting your platelets it into or around your joints to stimulate healing of your connective tissues. Long term pain in your joint can cause whats called central sensitizaton of your nervous system causing you to have pain throughout your body. You are then often given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. By treating your joints, systemic pain can even improve. *Results may vary
Frequency Specific Microcurrent
This therapy involves the use of specific microamperage frequencies to address pain and healing. Dr Carolyn McMakin out of Portland Oregon has used her trademarked protocols on professional athletes to 1000’s of patients at her clinic. Dr Morse uses her protocols to treat all forms of pain. Her research shows that microcurrent lowers inflammatory cytokines that cause pain *Results may vary. See our additional page here.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Laying at rest in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber super-saturates your body with oxygen. The results are dramatically reducing your inflammation markers called cytokines and at the same time increasing the number of stem cells released in your body that stimulates healing. Put in the time of at least 10 sessions with combined PEMF/ LED / Microcurrent and you will see your pain greatly diminish. See out page on hyperbaric here.
What to expect from a treatment with Doctor Morse
Hyperbaric oxygen, frequency specific microcurrent and LED pads are all painless procedures. You can read a book, check your emails or just go to sleep.
- The therapy never is painful
- It is relaxing
- It is very safe
- Any of the treatments involving hyperbaric oxygen are 60 minutes
Post treatment recommendations are to always consume 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water a day and include a good Magnesium Supplement in your regimen: 300-800 mg per day